
明朗時代米熱狗No.1品牌也是韓國家喻戶曉的街頭美食(炸熱狗)。迄今為止已售出超過 1 億支,在國際上擁有 700 多家商店,現在全面進駐台灣!
明朗“명랑”,發音為 MyungRang,在韓語中的意思是幸福、愉快和明亮,我們的宗旨是期望消者者在吃每一口我們的經典小吃的同時,擁有愉快而美味的飲食體驗!


People’s lives and happiness
are the top priority, and everyone’s life is better off in a happy world.

Putting the lives and happiness of people first and foremost with the goal of realizing the values of “a world where everyone is happy” and “living well”, we lead a new member culture through healthy foods that fit our tastes and provide stable living and partnership for our members. We aim to contribute to the interests of our members and the society through providing fair opportunities for young and young entrepreneurs and operating fair unions.


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  • 幸福
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